Domains and Homepages
Capture URLs and content and remove if necessary
Over the last two years, IPBee has built up its own domain database with a current data pool of approximately 450 million URLs. The database grows by about 3-8 million new entries every month. IPBee checks whether these are active. If so, IPBee monitors and records the use of our clients’ brand names; both in the URL and in the content of the homepage. For identified listings, the form of use and its legality is verified. If requested by clients, IPBee will attempt to remedy any grievances directly or through mediation.
Since 2021, IPBee has been a partner of the trademark clearinghouse in order to exclude unwanted registrations under trademark law already in the sunrise phase of new gTLDs and ccTLDs and to prevent expensive subsequent disputes in advance.
The aim is to reduce the number of fakeshops with products offered by our customers on the internet.
Our Partnership: